One of the most iconic hairstyles the beehive or bouffant has been ruling since the 50's. I believe 'Teasy Weasy' Raymond Bessone is likely to have been the originator although it's said Margaret Vinci Heldt apparently invented it in 1960.
'Teasy Weasy' Raymond
It's a look that the wearer automatically gets the sense of dynamic elegance, I worked a bouffant in the late 70's for about 5 years and it gave me a defining style. I often revisit the old beehive for an airing.
Me... 1979
Inspirational beehive wearers in the 70's included the fabulous Jordan, shop girl at Sex and later Seditionairies, Malcolm McClaren and Vivienne Westwoods original shop at Worlds End.
Jordan around '77
And of course the characters in John Waters early films were as they are now an inspiration to get a beehive on.
Susan Walsh, Divine, and Cookie Mueller: In the film "Female Trouble" by John Waters.
Edie 'Egg Woman' Massey
From 1958 the reportage photography of Karlheinz Weinberger as he recorded the style of local Hell's Angels has become a constant reference point.

And here's Amy Winehouse looking like she brought the Weinberger book and took notes.
Let us not forget our iconic wearers... Dusty Springfield and Brigit Bardot.
The Supremes
Ethel Merman
Phyllis Diller
Lovers of international hair take tips from Raine Spencer...
Who must have taken tip from her mother Barbara cartland!
I'm sure devotees of said look will know what I'm going on about lol!